Support hybrid healthcare collaboration with the Meeting Owl.

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Providing the Best Care From Anywhere

When it comes to health, clarity is essential. Traditional telehealth solutions don’t support clear collaboration among teams or providers. Our collaboration technology ensures patients and providers can be seen and heard.

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What Providers are Saying

"Our Meeting Owls truly made such a difference to our families, and they continue to do so!"

Duke University Hospital

"It allows the patient’s hospital team, primary care physician, and the patient’s family to still participate in rounds to deliver better care."

St. Louis Children’s Hospital

"It’s easy to set up and everyone can hear and see participants."

NHS Foundation Trust

"The Meeting Owl Pro is so easy to use, so we’re seeing more engagement and participation from attendees during meetings."

Interfaith Dental

Hoots and Hollers

Logo | Fast Company
Time Best Inventions Logo
Award Logo | CES Innovation Awards
Webby Awards Nominee - 2023
Red Dot Winner Logo
Award Logo | German Design Awards
Good Design Logo
Award Logo | IF World Design 2021
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